Sales Tip – Ringfence All Your Existing Accounts
If you want to get ahead (and stay ahead) of your competitors, the very first thing you need to do is ‘ringfence’ all your existing customers.
More and more companies are looking to replace lost revenue and profitability through acquiring new business – and some of the ‘new business’ your competitors are targeting will include your existing accounts!
As a lot of salespeople (and a lot of companies) have got complacent, they’ve tended to neglect existing accounts – and those are now the ones that have been taken by their competitors, or the ones most at risk.
- What are your relationships like with your existing accounts?
- What about the ones you haven’t spoken to for a while?
- The ones you don’t get on as well with?
- Would they tell you if a competitor had been in?
- And if they did, would you retain the business at the same price, or would you have to ‘price match’ to keep it?
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